Ekaterine Darsania
ECIP Psychotherapist, Clinical Psychologist,  Graduate of the International Academy of Integrated Psychotherapy; Professional Psychotherapist League (PPL) Consultant; Member of the Special Preventive Group. 
Work Experience: 15 years of working experience as a psychologist and psychologist in state and non-governmental sectors; Since 2014 has been active psychoterapeutic practice, successfully completed 130 cases, psycho-therapy hours: 260 academic hours. 
1989-1993 Moscow Mendeleev State Institute. Faculty of Bio-Ecology. 
1993-1998 Tbilisi Humanitarian University Faculty of Medical Psychology. 
1998-2002 Member of the Association of Young Psychologists of Abkhazia 
2008-2009 World Vision Project: "Psycho-Social Assistance for IDPs" - Psycho-Consultant. 
2009-2011 "regnet - Member of Regional Development Network 
A member of the initiative group of IDP women in 2010 
From 2013 to present Caritas  of Georgia": Psychologist /psychoconsultant of small family type homes. 
From 2014 till today the 65th Public School is the coordinator of the inclusive education. 
From 2015 to present Dendron's employee. 
From 2015 up to the Public Defender's Office: Member of Special Preventive Group 

